OP-ED: I Joined A Sorority For The Sisterhood. Now, I Have Herpes

Photo by Vladimir Pustovit / CC BY 2.0
June 24, 2019 at 11:17 pm
Joining a sorority was one of the best things I could’ve done freshman spring. Finding a group of strong, supportive and independent women, whom I am now so lucky to call my sisters, was exactly what I needed when I came to Penn.
There are so many things that make being in a sorority amazing: mixers with fraternities across campus, philanthropy events, my new raging case of herpes, and the next three years which I am blessed to spend as an older role model to my future sisters!
Days filled with Starbucks runs, hours studying in Van Pelt (which almost always end in watching Friends — gosh, I’m so bad haha) and trips to SHS when my herpes rash starts acting up are instantly made better when I arrive at the house, which is already filled with the laughter of my girls and the smell of the warm, chocolate chip cookies they had just baked.
I couldn’t imagine my time as a Penn student without my warm, snuggly Greek community. Except I would probably not have herpes. Which would be cool.