New College Family Furious as Penn Renames New College House after Lauder Family

Photo by Emily Xu / The Daily Pennsylvanian
September 7, 2019 at 2:55 pm
New College House will be renamed as Lauder College House after a major donation from the Lauder family, which sources say dwarfed the New College family’s by nearly 10 times. The move sent New College patriarch Robert William New College II into a fury.
“This is nothing short of a major snub to our family,” fumed New College. “We’ve had our name attached to this project for over seven years. We were never consulted on this.”
The New Colleges have been attending Penn since 1923. The youngest, Barbara New College, is set to enter Wharton next year after spending her gap year saving sea turtles.
“Those Lauders think they can just sidle in and pay to slap their name on buildings,” sneered New College. “Well, two can play at that game.” The family reportedly donated a large sum to Wharton’s Lauder Institute yesterday night.
Penn President Amy Gutmann, who decided on the name in conjunction with the Board of Trustees, declined to comment.
In addition to the Lauder Institute, the New College family is reportedly pushing to rename New College House West to New College House. The building is currently named after controversial figure John de New College House West (no relation).