Ok Boomer! Professor Thinks You Should Probably Withdraw

Photo by Laurel L. Russwurm / CC BY 2.0
November 9, 2019 at 12:22 pm
Professor Edward Hardy of the Mathematics department recently told College sophomore Jay Howard that he should probably withdraw from the class.
"We're unfortunately past the drop deadline, but your grade is currently so low that, were it to show up on your final transcript, the Math department would be forced to blacklist you. For example, on your last midterm, you were unable to correctly distinguish triangles from other shapes."
Jay, being the forward-thinking, youth-trusting undergrad he is, refused to take the advice of the professor. Instead, he said, "Ok boomer!" before continuing to take the class. Jay was later forced to drop out of Penn due to his unwillingness to do work and declare a major.