OP-ED: Can We Fix Democracy Somewhere Besides Perry World House?

Photo by Jashley Bido / The Daily Pennsylvanian
December 8, 2019 at 3:41 pm
Unequivocally, my favorite place to study on campus is Perry World House. Beyond its heavy doors lie countless rooms with tables and chairs. That is not even to mention the numerous flat screen TVs that display on loop the various events that take place in Perry.
But speaking of those events, aren’t they a little redundant? Every single one is about how to save democracy in the era of _____. Look, I’m all for doing what we can to fix our world’s problems, but are we really solving the Syrian crisis in Perry World House?
We can hardly fix these problems in the U.N., but for some reason, at 5 P.M. on Tuesday, I have to pack my stuff up so you can try to fix it in a literal house. It just seems personal.
Perry World House is also home to Penn’s finest single-use bathroom. It’s clean, it’s quiet, it has a shower. I could live in the Perry World House. I’d call it Perry World Home. But no, every other day I have to leave so Jeb Bush and some former assistant secretary of the department of whogivesafuck can debate whether democracy is fucked or doomed.
Let me enjoy my Perry World Home in peace.