Man to Vote for Bloomberg If He Sees Just One More Ad

Photo (with edits by Mia Kim) by Gage Skidmore / CC BY 2.0; WikiCommons / CC0; Petr Kratochvil / CC0; IJRO / CC BY 2.0; Saffron Blaze / CC0; WikiCommons / CC0
January 30, 2020 at 12:00 am
Penn alumnus Steve Scrabis is just one YouTube advertisement away from voting for Michael Bloomberg. He first heard a Bloomberg ad in November on his car radio. He still remembers the strong, masculine voice reassuring him that “Mike can do it.”
Although a registered Democrat, Scrabis did not vote in the 2016 election. “I'm still on the fence," Scrabis said. "I've seen 47 Bloomberg ads, but I think I really need one more to convince me.”
Scrabis looked out longingly as he described Michael. His eyes seemed to be looking at something no one else could see. Scrabis believed in Mike Bloomberg.
“I don’t have a lot to believe in anymore — including myself," Scrabis relayed. "It’s been lonely since my wife died. The old church that I’ve gone to since I was a child closed down. There just isn’t any room left in this old country for men like me. There isn’t any more room left in my old heart. But Mike Bloomberg makes me want to believe in love again. Mike can do it. Mike can do it.”
Scrabis repeated the words, not looking at me, but at that West Pennsylvanian sky fading ceaselessly into the distance.