Pew Research Center Finds That Majority of Americans Say “Pew Pew” When Firing Imaginary Gun

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January 25, 2020 at 12:00 am
The Pew Research Center has completed a landmark study which found that over half of Americans say “pew pew” when firing an imaginary gun, with “pew pew pew” and “pew” coming in second and third respectively.
“The Pew Research Center was founded to answer questions like these,” said President Michael Dimock. “This study will inform the population on the most used gun sound effects produced by the mouth, and perhaps influence the behavior of future generations.”
Participants in the study were asked to raise a finger gun to the moderator and make an appropriate sound effect. Those who did not utter a single or series of pew’s were ruled ineligible.
Other prominent polling organizations who have released significant studies this year include Gallup, who overwhelmingly found that Americans look stupid when trying to gallop, and the Family Research Council with their five-year observation of the Smiths.