Editorial by Kasra | Hi, I'd Like to Add You to My Professional Network

Photo by Kasra Khadem / The Daily Pennsylvanian
February 8, 2020 at 12:00 am
Hey there! My name is Kasra. I don't believe we've met. Oh, we have? Haha, well great to get reacquainted!
Just wanted to reach out to offer you a formal invitation to join an exclusive club. Like, this is super legit. No no no, not Friars. I'm inviting you to join... my professional network.
Okay, yes, I know it seems insane. We just met! We barely even know each other! Sure, we may have exchanged business cards, but I honestly think that our relationship is deeper than that. Listen, we can take this to the next level right here, okay? We can go from acquaintances to... professional associates... or dare I say even.... colleagues!
Hear me out. I have a plethora of experience across lots of industries and stuff. Specifically, my professional background encompasses B2B, B2C, A2A, and DTF marketing, along with internship experience across a myriad of coordinates throughout the finance and consulting continuum.
Don't believe me? Well look at my glowing recommendations! My last boss referred to be as an "abysmal human being who was absolutely torturous to work with," and my roommate even called me a "decent dude." I also have over 14 endorsements for my skills in Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, and Microsoft Excel! What else could you possibly need?!
Fine, fine, take your time. But just think about it, okay? I think this has the potential to be something really special. All I want is to have someone to congratulate on their professional updates, and for someone to congratulate me on mine. Is that really too much to ask for?