Eggo of the Week: Cinnamon Raisin Waffle

Photos by Jess Tan and HC's Foodventure / CC BY-NC 2.0
February 24, 2020 at 12:00 am
Meet the Penn senior who combines aromatic spices with dried fruits!
Name: Eggo Cinnamon Raisin Waffle
Hometown: A Toaster on Pine Street
Activities on Campus: Penn Undergraduate Waffle & Pancake Society (PUWPS), Belgian Students' Society, Students Against Waffle Trafficking, Syrup Free Penn
UTB: How did you end up choosing Penn?
CRW: Uhh, I mean I didn't have much of a choice I guess. I just popped out of a toaster and ended up here. Not entirely sure why you guys are doing a spotlight on Eggos, but yeah our lives aren't too interesting. We don't have many independent, sentient thoughts and opinions so you probably shouldn't bother asking too much.
UTB: Why cinnamon? Why raisin?
CRW: Um, what? Like, I didn't choose my flavors, man. I was just born this way. Jesus, this is starting to get a little bit racist.
UTB: What's been your memorable experience in the Syrup Free Penn club?
CRW: Oh, well I think it's abhorrent that Penn won't divest from syrups in dining halls. Syrups actually cause waffles severe pain and agony when poured onto us, and sometimes result in permanent paralysis and browning of the skin. We actually had a sit-in in the College Hall freezer the other day, but nobody seemed to notice.
UTB: Favorite class at Penn?
CRW: CIS 320: Algorithms
UTB: There are two types of people at Penn...
CRW: Those who don't eat breakfast, and those who are absolute fucking monsters.