Penn Culture Gone Too Far? This Environmental Club Calls Itself a Frat

Photo by Epsilon Eta
February 16, 2020 at 11:05 am
Penn’s Greek life-based culture may have finally crossed the line. An environmental organization refers to itself as an environmental fraternity and has named itself Epsilon Eta.
While most clubs, like Wharton Finance Club and Beekeeping Club, follow the time-tested tradition of naming their club after the thing they do, Ep Eta chose to use two letters that aren’t even in English. If this trend continues, there will be no club names that describe the group, and due to the limited number of letters in the Greek alphabet, many clubs will likely share the exact same name.
Epsilon Eta calls itself a “co-ed fraternity.” It doesn’t take a native Latin speaker to know that this word means “brotherhood.” To see a co-ed organization name itself only after its male members is a sign of how deeply this campus has descended into madness, and almost certainly a violation of Title IX.
To avoid this obscene misnomer, Ep Eta has two choices: it can either rebrand itself as simply an environmental club or fully embrace what it means to be a fraternity and make all its members eat bullfrogs.