OP-ED: Penn Should Pay PILOTS Because Aviators Matter Too

Photo by Megan Striff-Cave / The Daily Pennsylvanian
February 15, 2020 at 2:04 pm
Recently, there's been a debate over whether or not Penn should pay PILOTs. Well I'm here to say, once and for all, yes.
I believe Penn should pay PILOTs because aviators matter too, and I'm sick and tired of airplane PILOTs not being given the compensation they so clearly deserve. Think about it: Penn is over 13% international, and many students come from all over the country. It's safe to say that Penn depends on PILOTs doing their job correctly so all of our students flying to Philadelphia arrive here, safe and sound.
PILOTs do such necessary and difficult work — it's only right that Penn decides to pay them for it. Because if PILOTs don't make a good salary, they'll all quit, and then Penn would probably have to shut down because no international students would be able to come, and then who would pay full tuition? Exactly. And at the end of the day, when you look at the lives of people who are directly being harmed by Penn's inaction — airline PILOTs — you know in your heart they deserve better. Honestly, I don't know why more people aren't speaking up about this issue like I am. I guess I'm just really passionate about PILOTs.
Seriously. PILOTs are really important. In fact, PILOTS are so important that I'm writing them in all caps — just so they're really emphasized. And don't worry about how to pay for the PILOTS' increased salary. We can just use the funds from the property taxes we don't pay.