Pennsylvania to Go Red After International Student Gets His U.S. Citizenship

Photo by Jose Hernandez / CC BY-SA 2.0
February 24, 2020 at 12:00 am
This just in, British-born Charles Baker (W '21) said, when posed with the choice between Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump, that he would "pick Trump every time," citing Sanders' outrageous socialist claims.
While most of his American friends were appalled, they waved the non-citizen's beliefs off because of his inability to vote. Little did they know that Baker was in the process of receiving his American citizenship and changing the future of American politics as we know it.
Baker, who refused to concentrate in business analytics in order to focus on finance and real estate, applied for citizenship in order to stay at Blackstone in New York for a little longer, but little did he know he would now be able to vote as well!
As a result, Pennsylvania is predicted to go red this election year, and Charles Baker could "honestly care less."