Kelly Writers House to Allow Outdoor Smoking to Reduce Indoor Smoking

Photos from Alex Lozupone / (CC BY-SA 4.0), and fotografierende / Pexels License, with modifications by Sydney Gelman.
March 5, 2020 at 12:40 am
The Kelly Writers House has announced that outdoor smoking will now be allowed on its front porch. The decision comes in an attempt to curb the rampant complaints of second-hand smoke within the house. One of the heads of the house wrote, “We understand that writing is impossible without smoking, but we think as a house we should move towards smokeless alternatives like vaping or smoking outside. Overall, snaps to this move.”
The decision, however, is not without controversy. One writer interviewed said, “Part of what makes the KWH what it is is the smell of second-hand smoke. Once they take this away, what else will they take from our community? Smoking weed indoors? Reading Rupi Kaur ironically? No snaps to this move.”
Another writer said, “I have a five-word short story for you. For sale: E-Cigarettes, never used. Because I will be damned if I have to write with anything, but an authentic cigarette. It's not that I’m addicted, it’s aesthetics. I give no snaps.”
The move does leave some hope for a more inclusive writing house. College Sophomore Jenny Atkins told UTB that “I used to never go to the Writers House because I thought it was a place full of second-hand smoke and weirdos. Now it's only a place of weirdos, which I guess is an improvement.”