Penn to Administer All Spring Exams Through Kahoot

Photo by Alisher Y / CC BY-SA 4.0
March 13, 2020 at 2:10 pm
As a part of the Administration’s decision to shift to virtual instruction to contain the COVID-19 virus, all examinations for the Spring semester will be administered through the online collaborative learning platform Kahoot.
Students will race to answer simple multiple-choice questions and achieve the highest score in the class. Answer choices include the red triangle, blue diamond, yellow circle, and green square. Additionally, every third question will remind students to wash their hands.
“I’m excited about the shift,” said frequent Kahoot user DeezNutz69. “I was bombing my physics exams before, but now I’ll likely get a 25% if I randomly click.”
Essay-based exams will utilize Kahoot’s new live comments section, in which each student may enter up to 200 characters at a time in a 15-second window.
President Amy Gutmann expressed her support in a University-wide email. “First SAIL, now Kahoot. Penn is constantly pushing the boundaries of 21st-century education.”