Coping With the Loss of Fro Gro: A Photo Tour of the CVS Food Section

Photo by Alicia Lopez / The Daily Pennsylvanian
March 2, 2020 at 12:00 am
Hello. My name is Alicia Lopez and I will be your tour guide today. With Fresh Grocer closing soon, here’s a photo tour of the place where everyone will be headed in the next couple of weeks: the CVS food section. First, I'd like to take a minute to discuss some brief safety precautions. The contents of this article are not for everyone — this article's findings may lead to depressed mood — read on at your own risk. Most importantly, remember to sit back and enjoy the ride. Let's begin with our first stop on the tour: bread.

Wow! Looks like bread is a really popular item — who would have thought? Better rush to CVS or else you might be forced to use cinnamon swirl bread for your eggsalad sandwich! Let's continue the tour. Next stop: coffee!

Sometimes you need one of those sugary coffee energy drinks to help you cram all night for an exam. If that's you, don't go to CVS unless you really like the ones from Starbucks. By the time you get here, that's the only type CVS will have! Let's go to the ice cream section.

It's a good thing CVS has a lot of Ben & Jerry's ice cream because there's nowhere else to buy it around campus. Make sure to stock up next time you're here! On a diet? Not anymore! Once Fro Gro closes, studies predict that ice cream will become the average Penn student's number one source of dairy. Let's continue the tour and see if CVS has chips.

Need popcorn for a movie? CVS has got you covered. But only if you act now! There is ONE bag left so get here quick! Skip your classes! Race to get this ONE! LAST!...nevermind. The only remaining bag of popcorn at CVS has just been sold. Congratulations to the girl in the blue hoodie. Let's move on to the frozen food section.

The CVS frozen food section has a great selection if you like cardboard flavored microwave pizza. There are so many brands of the same thing it will make your head spin. Feeling cultured? You can get a Mexican casserole or a "burrito" — diversity win! Let's check out the eggs!

Now, I'm not a STEM student, but I can usually count to ten. Lucky for me, today I didn't even have to count that high: there are only six cartons of eggs! Don't think you can get through 12 eggs in the week before they expire? Too bad! CVS does not have smaller options. Good luck getting your hands on this grocery store staple. Let's keep going and check out our next stop: soup.

Good news! There's a TON of soup here, which is awesome because it's about to become a Penn staple since it's the only truly edible thing CVS reliably has. This may be the section that saves the Penn student body from starvation! Let's check out our final stop: the candy aisle.

This is the only area of CVS that is ever actually 100% stocked. Want some discount Valentine's Day candy? CVS has got you covered. Thinking about Easter candy already? CVS has got it. Want Halloween candy from circa 2004? CVS is the place to go. Truly the candy aisle is the area where CVS excels.
On behalf of UTB, I want to thank you for coming on the "Fro Gro is closing OMG OMG I'm gonna die" tour. If you enjoyed the experience don't forget to comment on TripAdvisor! Have a wonderful rest of your week!