Shit Hurts So Bad Just Want Her [Bobby’s Burger Palace] Back

Photo by Max Cohen / The Daily Pennsylvanian
March 26, 2020 at 1:46 am
Hey, guys, Greg here. A lot of you have been asking how I’m doing lately, and I think it’s about time I came forward to my subscribers about what’s been going on behind the scenes. I know my videos are something my audience looks forward to a lot. But I don’t know if I can do this anymore. The truth is that I’ve been struggling with personal heartbreak for a while. It just hurts so bad. I want her. I want Bobby’s Burger Palace back to tear apart my asshole.
I don’t usually reveal my feelings to viewers, but this is causing me physical agony. The amount of times I’ve cried in my bathroom over this is uncountable. I genuinely don’t know how I`m gonna keep living. I can hardly walk down the street where my baby used to live without feeling the initial hot flashes of a panic attack. I remember all the times she and I spent together. Me, eating a burger, and her, being the burger.
Every day I have to think about what could have continued between us. I miss her. I miss her so fucking bad. The horrifying service, the weird stains on the floor, the hot chefs. I really really can’t do this anymore. I’m so sorry. But please make sure to like, comment, and subscribe. And make sure to donate to my Patreon so we can rebuild Bobby’s Burger Palace thank you. xoxo