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OP-ED: S-S-Sorry I Ha ve a Bad Zo om conn ct on. Can Y He ar Me Now?


Photo by Jerome Decq / CC0





SO SO   RRY I HA D MUT E ON  ND DIDN'T RE ALIZ   E! So s-s-s-s-sorry.

I c-c-c-c-cant he ar you s o well but I thi nk     you as ked ab out m y tho ught s on ou r gro-o-o-o-up pre sen tatio n. I don  't ca r e as lon    g as we do n't havetodoitliveov  er Zoom. 

It-t-t-t-'s ki nd o f ton e dea f to ass um e every stud ent has a broa dba nd conn ect ion, so I wis h th e profes-s-s-s-sor wou ld ju st cu t the cr ap a nd ma ke the pr esen tatio n-n-n-n-ns int o pap ers in stead. A ss ho le.

C an we d-d-d-o thi s on hou-ou-ou-ou se pa rt y in ste a d? I s tha t wei rd to as-s-sk? 5G wo rk s bett er tha n th e wif i here. To-o-o-o-o ba d tho se towe r s are givin g us "Co rona vi ru s."
