With Finals Over, Josh Looking Forward to More of the Same

Photos (with edits) by CJ Sorg / CC BY-SA 2.0, Lucas Weiner / The Daily Pennsylvanian
May 30, 2020 at 2:58 am
After a long few months of grueling, exhausting, emotional, and intellectual stress, Josh Rosenbaum (W '22) is really looking forward to the start of summer for well, pretty much more of the same.
Normally, the solar season would be filled with the largest of possible gatherings, and the oh so much sharing of drinks. But now, with the end of the school year in the past, things haven’t really changed much for Rosenbaum. With his usual summer activities on hold, he continues to spend much of his time sitting on the floor of his childhood bedroom with his laptop in his lap and a slight sadness on his face.
Rosenbaum has already signed up for a couple of summer classes to really cement the feeling of the past few months. Now he’ll be able to sit on the floor and avoid doing work again — just like in old times!
“It’s just nice to have some consistency for once,” said Rosenbaum with the bags under his eyes carrying even smaller bags. “With so much uncertainty in the world, it’s nice that I can be certain that things will just kind of be this murky, not funness for the foreseeable future.”