Chris Wallace Finally Understands How All Women Feel Trying To Speak in Group Discussions

Photo by Jim Greenhill / CC BY 2.0
September 30, 2020 at 12:18 pm
After moderating the first Presidential Debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, Chris Wallace reports that he finally understands what women must feel like when they try to make a point in a male-dominated discussion.
“It was ridiculous,” says Wallace. “Every time I tried to get a word out, another white guy was interrupting me. I felt like a woman trying to talk in a STEM class!”
In fact, UTB reports that virtually every single female-identifying student has had a similar experience. Take Katja, for example. “When I was put in a Zoom breakout room for an Engineering class with two guys who kept talking over me, I thought maybe I had a bad internet connection and they couldn’t hear. But then I realized that they were cutting me off because they subconsciously hold the belief that what I have to say is inherently less valuable because I’m a woman,” says Katja Heffe (C ‘23).
“That was the most frustrating 90 minutes of my life,” reported Wallace, who will go back to business as usual, while women everywhere continue to be interrupted by men for the rest of their lives.