Sorry Babe, r/WallStreetBets Says I Should Short This Relationship

Graphic by Sophie Trotto, Photos (with edits) by Biruk Tibebe / The Daily Pennsylvanian, PublicDomainPictures / CC0
February 11, 2021 at 12:00 am
Hey Babe. It’s me again.
r/WallStreetBets' top post today was to short you.
They called you overvalued.
A bubble like the Dutch Sea or Turkish Tulips
Growing in Holland (where Augustus took Hazel)
Reddit says the hedge funds
should be investigated for stock manipulation,
but the only manipulation is the way you make
me feel when I hear your voice.
Like GME, I don’t buy you, just to throw away.
I grab you just to hold on tight.
I need no Minsky moment to tell you