Unhinged! Seven Doors that Aren’t Structurally Sound

February 18, 2021 at 1:10 pm
We all know that doors are all a little bonkers, but these seven doors are TOTALLY unhinged!
Door #1:

This door only eats dog food.
Door #2:

This door lied about her mother dying to get more likes on Instagram.
Door #3:

This door shaved her head and then used the hair to make a wig for her ferret.
Door #4:

This door tells one night stands that he gave them gonorrhea just to scare them.
Door #5:

This door wears a fat pack on public transit so that people think she’s pregnant and give her a seat.
Door #6:

This door murdered her best friend, Clarice Firestein, hid the body, changed her name legally to Clarice Firestein, spent thousands on plastic surgery to look as similar to her late best friend as possible, flew to the Bahamas, pretended to be Clarice Firestein at the destination wedding, refused to take off the veil, married Clarice’s fiancé, Mark.
Door #7: