Relaxing! Professor Wishes Students a Refreshing Engagement Day as He Replaces Lecture With Quiz

Photo by Karen Thibaut / CC BY-SA 3.0
April 6, 2021 at 12:45 am
During the pandemic, many professors have tried to be more understanding for their students, many of whom have been struggling with Zoom fatigue and burnout. Professor Rosenth is one of the many professors who wishes his students the best, especially with the Tuesday engagement day. He so strongly emphasizes the importance of mental health during the pandemic, even mentioning it in his syllabus right above his zero-tolerance late policy and no partial credit grading policy.
Rosenth hopes that his students all feel refreshed and relaxed, as long as they turn in the assignments due Tuesday, complete the required readings and then take the quiz. Since the university prevents him from holding lectures, he made the executive decision to record it and upload it asynchronously, so that students can watch it as they normally would on any other day. Of course, he began the lecture talking about how nice the weather is and how he hopes everyone gets the chance to go on a walk today at the very least.
Rosenth’s students are sure to feel rejuvenated and ready to learn after their single day off.