Breaking: Intolerable Boy From Writing Seminar Calls Bo Burnham Comedy Special “Groundbreaking”

June 12, 2021 at 3:48 pm
Is Bo Burnham God's gift to comedy? According to Jacob from your writing seminar, that answer is a resounding "yes." After viewing Burnham's recent comedy special for Netflix, Jacob posted a very lengthy Instagram post about how "important" the special was.
Jacob wrote: "I know I don't usually post on Instagram because I try to limit how much time I spend on social media, but I knew I needed to share my opinion on this incredible special with my followers. Bo Burnham exposes himself emotionally and physically and, by doing so, redefines what comedy is and should be. Bo got me thinking about what I consider important in life, and I have decided to delete social media after this post."
This was one of three posts on his Instagram feed. The other two include a screenshot of a 2009 high score in Angry Birds and a post from October 2020 where he gave a very positive review of the Netflix documentary "The Social Dilemma" and told followers that he would be "deleting all social media" after "learning how much time we spend on our phones."
After asking Jacob to expand on his feelings about Burnham's special, he told us, "It said a lot about the...human condition. Like, wow, the internet does have so many things on it. And sexting is like crazy. And cancel culture is... it's just wow. It's crazy how the internet affects our brains. We should get off our phones more".
He also told us, "My favorite part of it is that it's a comedy special, but it didn't make me laugh out loud one singular time. It's profound that way. I mean, is comedy even supposed to be funny? Bo is a genius."
Jacob spent the rest of our conversation talking about the new song he was learning on the ukulele ("an acoustic cover of 'Good 4 U' by Olivia Rodrigo, I'll send you a vid of me playing it") and that he is starting to brew his own kombucha (kumquat flavored).
As of this article's publishing, Jacob's social media accounts remain active online.