Beloved Math 104 Professor Robert Ghrist Unveils New NSFW YouTube Channel

Photo from Public Domain
February 10, 2022 at 9:33 am
Professor Robert Ghrist, aka prof/g, was made famous by his first channel, Calculus Green, a Calculus 1 oriented channel, and later started a second channel, Calculus Blue, covering Calculus 2. Just this morning, to the delight of many of his loyal devotees, he announced the launch of Calculus Red, a NSFW ASMR calculus channel.
Professor Robert Ghrist described the impetus behind his decision to create a third channel in an exclusive interview with UTB:
“I just couldn’t go on knowing that I was withholding my gifts from the world,” he stated, a tear in his eye.
Though his instruction is clear, most of prof/g’s success can be attributed to something far more crude: his god-given voice. Ask freshmen of the fairer sex about prof/g, and they will quickly extoll his many virtues:
“I hated math in high school, and I mean hated math. But now, since hearing Professor Robert Ghrist’s dulcet tones, I spend every waking moment yearning for more Calculus Red. Just thinking about the way he says trigonometry makes me quiver,” freshman Sophie Smith said.
Many male students, however, do not feel the same ‘soul-bond’, as Sophie put it, to prof/g:
“I came to college expecting to finally overcome my lifelong fear of talking to girls, and now I can’t even say hello to them because they’re all listing to that damned Professor Robert Ghrist 24/7,” Engineering student James Wilkins said between tears.
“I mean, just look at that larynx. How the hell am I supposed to compete with something like that,” an irate Colin Jones (C'25) lamented.
Regardless of Professor Robert Ghrist’s colorful reputation among students, his new channel has already surpassed eighty-one thousand subscribers, and he is now raking in over ten thousand dollars a month through his Patreon.