If I’m on the Listserv I Can Put It on My Resume, Right?

Photo by Public Domain Pictures / CC0 1.0
September 6, 2022 at 11:19 am
Ah, the club fair. So many different clubs with slightly different names that definitely all do the same thing.
I approach their table. Greet them with a friendly “how do you do?” And ask them what their club is about.
But each time I leave knowing less about their club than I did before.
All I know about applying to penn clubs is that, for a small town girl like me, it is a humbling experience.
There's more steps than applying to most jobs. First you find yourself at Interest meetings, Coffee chats, 4 rounds of interviews, and before you can say Wendell Pritchett you’re giving a presentation on social impact consulting. This is just what I’ve heard. Freshman fall I got cut from every club immediately.
I am a sophomore now and must start scavenging for summer internships
My previous internship teaching 11 year old country club kids to play tennis won’t cut it for “pre-professional experience”
For the sake of my future, I figured eh why don't I give the club fair another try.
As an IR major who regrets applying to the college instead of wharton, I figured I’d browse some of the business clubs.
Entrepreneurship?… yes.
Finance?... yes.
Consulting?... yes.
Social impact consulting?... even more yes.
So obviously I joined all of the listservs.
I look at my resume.
Job experience: tennis teacher.
Clubs and activities: under the button.
Darn it, this won’t get me that internship at Goldman Sachs.
All hope was lost and then it came to me. Now that I receive emails from the most prestigious finance social impact entrepreneurship tech consulting society on campus, I must be an impressive person.
I'm on the listserve, so I can put it on my resume!
The answer is yes.
It’s just like what I always say: If Dr Oz can run for senate, then I can make my dreams come true too.