Super Bowl? I Thought This Weed Was Just Okay

Photos, with edits, by Christian Peterson/Getty Images, Gina Coleman, and iStock/CC0.
February 17, 2023 at 12:50 pm
It’s been days since the weekend ended, but all of my friends are still talking about the “super bowl” from Sunday. I mean, it was a fun sesh, but super? I thought it was pretty standard, all things considered. It was packed nicely if I do say so myself, but I don’t think that puts it into ‘super’ territory.
It’s weird that they keep talking about how ‘super’ that bowl was, because everyone seems kinda pissed about it? Every time it gets brought up someone says, “Fuck the chiefs.” Maybe I missed something, but I didn’t notice anyone unfairly chiefing more than the others. And not to be that guy but that's, like, problematic language I'm pretty sure.
Plus Steve keeps bringing up the “totally bullshit call” that ruined the night. I’ve already apologized for ordering a plain cheese pizza and not the Slammin Jammin Locked’n’Loaded Meat Lovers Supreme that everyone wanted, I don’t know how many times he needs to hear it.
I don’t know, though. I passed out by 6:00 and missed whatever movie they were all so excited to watch, so I guess something cool happened while I was asleep.