Weaponized Incompetence: Professor Doesn’t Put Syllabus in Syllabus Section of Canvas

October 5, 2023 at 12:14 pm
As midterm season rolls around, hundreds of students are combing through Canvas in an attempt to track down their syllabus and the all too important grading breakdown. For most, it’s a simple scroll through the menu items, Class Readings (boooring), People (is that cute guy from Psych 1001 taking the course?), Course Materials @ Penn libraries (no idea what that is), aaaaand finally the Syllabus page.
But for students in Psychology 2570 Brains and Business, the journey doesn’t end there. There’s simply nothing on the syllabus page. It’s a white ocean of distress, it might as well be a Path@Penn stale request. These fearless students waded through the swampy waters of Modules and Files to track down an odd little Excel sheet named “GradingRubricFINALDRAFT2.xlsx” with some, well, interesting results.
When asked for comment, Professor Johnson explained, “Canvas is honestly kinda hard to navigate from the perspective of a professor.”