Has This Generation Gone Too Soft? Not Me, Thanks to Himsᵀᴹ

A young boy looking out a window on a rainy day © Pixabay, CC0 1.0 DEED. With edits by Ted Kwee-Bintoro
February 27, 2024 at 12:00 pm
If you’ve ever worked with kids in your life, you’ll know that they’re quick to dub every social interaction they don’t like “bullying” — anything from a glancing side-eye to hushed whispers in the back of a classroom to a well-timed swirly against an unsuspecting nerd. But this wasn’t always the case. In fact, what we now jump to call “bullying” and “ostracisation” used to be considered valid and even necessary forms of social correction. Indeed, schoolyard bullies perform a socially valuable form of public service as we aim to raise a diverse, well-socialized population that takes out its repressed childhood traumas against its peers in the boardroom.
The unfortunate reality is that as we’ve tried to coddle young American minds and normalize the unnormalizable, building “safe spaces” and “judgement-free zones,” everyone in the current generation is simply too soft to handle the harsh realities of the real world. Everyone, that is, except for me.
Thanks to my once-daily prescription of chewable 80-mg sildenafil from the men’s telehealth provider Himsᵀᴹ, I’m unafraid of “cancel culture” — I’m ready to tackle confrontation head-on. While others stay soft, I get so hard that I turn blue in the face. When my viewpoints are challenged in the marketplace of ideas, I don’t break down and cry: I just start chewing my blue pills and start growing. Then I break down and cry. When UTB HR representatives sit down with me, telling me that my behavior is unacceptable and that I need to “stop yelling at people when I don’t get my way,” I respond by calmly yet eloquently passing out as the blood rushes out of my brain and into my engorged glans.
Viewpoints were meant to be challenged, and intellectual discomfort used to be an acceptable consequence to accept for robust social discourse. If priapsism is the price of a world with the free exchange of ideas and without echo chambers, then I’m willing to pay $80 a month (plus shipping and handling, and taxes as may be required by my local jurisdiction).