Lights, Camera, Action: Student on Ozempic Desperate To Go Nude for Your Student Film

September 17, 2024 at 10:49 pm
After a long hour and half of ‘Queering the Holocaust: On Camera and Queered, And Then Queered One More Time For Good Measure,’ you’re approached by a freshman year classmate on the Fisher Bennet staircase.
“No way, you’re taking that class!! I heard there’s like a make-your-own movie component and you get to meet someone famous. Mel Gibson, right?”
Um, yeah. There is a film component. But um, no. You definitely do not get to meet Mel Gibson.
“Do you have any ideas for the movie you’re going to make?”
You were thinking of re-making The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas with a twist. And maybe, his pyjamas could be from Roller Rabbit... or something like that.
“I’d like, totally, love to be in it.”
Suddenly, the wind blows up the staircase. Your friend crashes down the stairs and is swept out of the building by the gust of wind. You chase after them. They have been blown all the way to the Zete doorstep.
“Woah. That was crazy. The wind must have blown me away.”
You do a double take. Your friend looks smaller, petite even. You haven’t really seen them since freshman year and then, last weekend, they didn’t go to that Fiji thing on the beach.
“I - uh - lost a lot of weight last summer. They - uh - worked me to the bone at - uh - BlackRock. I barely had any time to eat.”
Slowly the pieces are starting to fall into place.
“Anyway, I’m dying to be in your film. Maybe I could even go nude. Ha! Would that, like, be insane!!!!? Like totally crazy?!!! Ha, let me know!”