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Childhood Stuffed Animal on Girl’s Bed Seen A Lot Since Freshman Year

cc// Benji Elkins

PHILADELPHIA–Like a war torn veteran returning from battle, this childhood stuffed animal maintains a constant thousand-yard-stare as it sits on this girl’s bed. Pippins, a never-washed fluffy, plush, and huggable cow has seen a lot since freshman year. And we mean a lot.

Given to Amanda Relicks (W ’25) by her grandmother for her very first birthday celebration, Pippins has sat on her bed amongst 4-500 other fluffy and decorated pillows every year. Pippins has shared in moments of glee (Amanda’s acceptance to Penn International Impact Consulting freshman year) and moments of turmoil (Amanda’s state of being after Apes foam). 

Over the years, Pippins has witnessed a freshman-year roommate that Amanda no longer talks to, her three best friends (they call themselves the Penn Dainty Bitches), a dude on the Wrestling team she now ignores on Locust, a guy in Sig Chi named Brick, and a brief interaction with a girl from Bloomers that didn’t really lead anywhere but almost changed Amanda’s life. While many characters have come and go, one remains constant: Pippins the fluffy, plush, and huggable cow.

Ultimately, Pippins remains a fixture in Amanda's life. This little guy has been with her through thick and thin. And, he has the scars to prove it: a small tear from years of loving hugs, a scratched glass-eye from falling out the car window during a family road-trip, and now, a crusty patch of fur from Amanda’s recent situationship.
