I Used My Platinum AMEX to Swipe Into Huntsman and It Worked

Credits: Creative Commons photos (Evan Didier)
October 25, 2024 at 2:20 pm
It was a rough morning.
I woke up late and ripped my silk pajamas off my body. I grabbed my chinos and polo sweater, and threw on my Canada Goose. Mother wouldn’t buy me the Prada, so it’s all I had. I had so little time that I couldn’t even touch the egg white gruyere wagyu omelette that Bertha made.
I stepped into mon (mon means my in French you uncultured villager) elevator (the private one, for the penthouse in Harnwell, for those who didn’t know it existed…) and it took me down. I walked out and strutted down locust. 1 kilometer from Huntsman (sorry, I only do metric mon biatch) I realized that I didn’t have mon Penn card.
I opened my Louis Vuitton wallet, and then my Gucci wallet, and then my Coach wallet (it was an impulse buy, I’m ashamed too), and it was nowhere.
“Dammit! I must have left it at the Aspen House”
Scrambling for what I could do, I only had one thought: Mon Platinum AMEX! An oldie but a goody.
I take it out and blind someone by its shimmer, but that didn’t even matter. I was in too much of a rush.
I took it out, put it to the scanner, and it worked!
“J’adore!” I said!
I got a charge for 1,000 euros but it was totally worth it.