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BREAKING: Cork and Candles Shuts Down After Management Realizes What a Dumbass Idea It Was

Marketing professor Barbara Kahn put it plainly: "I don't know what the fuck they were thinking."

Breaking: Icicle Falls, Piercing My Chest and Killing Me

Just last week, light struck me. 

After Successful Diddy Indictment, FBI Begins Preparing Case Against Penn Disney Acapella

They told me that if I'm looking to sing Disney songs, then Penn Disney A Cappella isn't the place for me. Penn Disney A Cappella is the place for hardcore deviant sex.

Now You Must Choose Between the Overcoat and Carhartt

It's Time to Choose.

Jealous: Student Who Ran Half Marathon Can Eat Whatever They Want for Next Two Days

When polled, students reported being extremely jealous of the student's incredible accomplishment: not the fact that they ran a grueling 13.1 miles straight, but their newfound ability to eat a full pint of Ben & Jerry’s Tonight Dough guilt-free. 

To Improve Mental Health, Penn to Hang Two More Icicle Lights This Year

This will give students a staggering thirty extra seconds of exposure to the finest mental health resource out there: artificial LED light.

Midterm Seasonal Depression Cured by Vaguely Ethnic Frozen Meal From Grommons

I know one thing will always be there for me: my culturally diverse but also culturally sensitive but also culturally accommodating Grommons frozen meal exchange section. 

Everyone on Campus Was Terrified by My Costume. I Was Poverty for Halloween.

I had to look up what "poverty" was in the dictionary. I wad appalled when I read the definition. 

Breaking: My Cat Costume Was So Good That When I Got MERTed They Took Me to Penn Vet

I don't think it helped that I was meowing instead of speaking... 

Eavesdropping Gone Wrong: Woman on Train is Actually Super Boring

If you're going to talk in the quiet car at least make it about something cool like insider trading. 

The Daily Pennsylvanian Replaces All Staff Writers With Infinite Monkeys on Infinite Typewriters

What happens when they do inevitably write the complete works of Shakespeare?

Amy Wax Fired After Tweeting Something Vaguely Pro-Palestine

We’ll miss you, you crazy kid

I Used My Platinum AMEX to Swipe Into Huntsman and It Worked

Who needs a Penn card when you have a credit card?!!

“Are You Registered to Vote?” Asks Woman Pointing One Gun at You and One at Her Own Head

There is a lot at stake in this upcoming election. Our democracy is on the ballot, and so is your right for me not to fill your lungs with more metal than a vape.

UTB Investigation Finds Creepy Pottruck Portrait Couple Lowkey Chill

Although the portrait of the Meiklejohns can be offputting, UTB assures you that they’re pretty chill once you get to know them. 

Childhood Stuffed Animal on Girl’s Bed Seen A Lot Since Freshman Year

This little guy's been with her through thick and thin. And, he has the scars to prove it: a small tear from years of loving hugs, a scratched glass-eye from falling out the car window on a family road-trip, and now, a crusty patch of fur from Amanda’s recent situationship.

Beware: The Tickle Monster Is Coming to Crows

They will tell their bouncer to kindly inform all attendees that a “special guest” may be showing up.

Unsurprising: Wharton Student Found at Urinal With Pants and Underwear at His Ankles

This is not the first time this has happened to me, and I’m not longer shocked and appalled by it.
