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Amanda Nart


Senior Gets MERT'd for the First Time At Their Last Penn BYO Ever

Rachael Serra (C '18) had never been MERT'd before. She survived her first Penn BYO with flying colors. She even helped carry other freshmen back to the Quad. No formal or frat party could ever take her down. Rachael was classy as all hell.

History Major Unsure When World War I Started, Steers Conversation Towards Attitudes Around Women's Sexuality and Agency in Rural Arkansas in 1954

Cold calling is the worst. Deborah Tanner (C '19) was caught off guard earlier this semester when her professor, hoping to throw a history major a softball question, asked her what year World War I started in their seminar class. 

OP-ED: Penn Needs Shorter Breaks

Joe Biden Eats Bark: Maple

Missed Connections: September 20-27
