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Hannah Gong


Local Penn Student Devastated to Find Drexel Dating Pool Just As Bad

I must remember that Drexel is a fantasy land of lying dwarves, and that Penn is a fantasy land of scheming trolls. None of these creatures are viable options for a loving relationship where we take care of each other until one of us dies of old age. 

Couple Doing PDA in High Rise Elevator Sensually Caresses Me as Well

If a tree falls in a forest and there is only a couple doing PDA present, will anyone ever hear the tree fall? 

To Improve Mental Health, Penn to Hang Two More Icicle Lights This Year

This will give students a staggering thirty extra seconds of exposure to the finest mental health resource out there: artificial LED light.

Midterm Seasonal Depression Cured by Vaguely Ethnic Frozen Meal From Grommons

I know one thing will always be there for me: my culturally diverse but also culturally sensitive but also culturally accommodating Grommons frozen meal exchange section. 

Help! Which Identity Based Social Circle Should I Segregate Myself Into?

I hope you found your community immediately after reading this enlightening article!

Wharton Undergraduate Consulting Club Now Open to Cases Dedicated to Getting You Bitches

WUCC announces "the next step in streamlining open communication between stakeholders and creating an optimal environment for connection in the romantic stratosphere."

BREAKING: I Act Visibly Emotionally Tortured Each Time I Pass a Campus Tour

 I could see the parents think to themselves, “Wow, they sure didn’t look that unhappy at Harvard!”

Ah, Youth: I Saw Toddlers Playing on the Ben Franklin Bench

In this way, I will save you. Not from the Ben bench, but from yourselves.
