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Trash Talking

Let's get ready to rumble recycle! Penn's latest green campaign, RecycleMania, kicks off this Monday in Houston Hall from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. with the Recycling Bin Rally. The first 200 Penn staff/students to show up get free personal recycling bins, and, assuming they have any sense of beauty in this world, will immediately go home and Bedazzle them. Running through March 28th, RecycleMania includes panel discussions, brown bag lunches, and plenty of tips and tricks to become a full-fledged member of the Green Fad Movement.

As always, our priority is free stuff, and we're happy to see Penn's got us covered with "RecycleMania Mondays" at Au Bon Pain and "RecycleMania 2-5pm Mondays and Fridays" at Accenture and Houston Market. Both events feature free coffee if you bring your own mug, and the Penn Dining spots will even throw in a fountain drink too. Finally, a use for all those stockpiled College House mugs we stole during NSO!

Apparently throughout this we're also in a really intense competition with the Ivy Plus people to see who loves the earth more. If it's anything like our other Ivy competitions, we're not expecting much in the winning department. We placed in a mediocre fifth last year, but hey, we beat Yale!
