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People Who Went To Penn: Mark Waters


Mark Waters is, like, so fetch. Yup, the director of Mean Girls, the best movie ever made (other than Hocus Pocus), went to Penn. A Class of 1986 alum, he was pre-med but then switched his interests over to avant-garde theater. Naturally.

Other than his magnum opus, his projects include 500 Days of Summer (JOSEPH GORDON-LEVITT, THAT'S WHAT'S UP), Ghosts of Girlfriends Past and Freaky Friday. Wait – two movies with LiLo right before she developed a sweet tooth for nose candy? Sounds a little suspicious... Whatever, Mark Waters is the visionary of the century, and we can only hope that Mean Girls 2 will live up to its predecessor. Too bad he didn't direct it. Melanie Mayron did – and she doesn't even go here!
