Penn Team Competes At USA Memory Championship
March 25, 2012 at 10:47 am
We totally forgot it was even happening, but the 15th Annual USA Memory Championship was held today in New York! Luckily, Penn had a team that was not as absentminded. Caitlin Applebaum, Jason Mow and Michael Mirski faced off in the tournament, which tests the memorization of everything from an unpublished poem to the order of a deck of cards.
Penn's bestest and brighestest unfortunately lost the crown to the reigning mental champs from Hershey High School. Those Hershey kids might be freaky human Remembralls, but there's just no way they're as popular as us. And that's what counts, right? In any case, 'grats to our memory masterminds!
Update: Penn's team was actually unable to participate in the championship because the team was too small for the competition. Mirski, however, placed third in the individual division. Neato!