Identity Crisis: Wharton Edition

April 1, 2013 at 4:44 pm
As first reported by the DP, Penn is suing a dubious “consulting firm” called the Wharton Business Foundation for trademark infringement. The trustees are suing the company, and its janky-looking website, for using Wharton in its name, website and phone number, and for using the registered trademark symbol.
According to the lawyer quoted in the article, Penn would have been validated in asking for an immediate hearing, although they did not. The usually spot-on Daily Intel, however, had a different take on the matter. Perhaps most offensively calling us out for wearing critter pants (??), the author of the article goes on to also mock the university’s decision to sue and tout Penn as a “four-year binge-drinking marathon masquerading as an elite educational institution.”
If you’re going to deride, at least make the insults relevant! Salmon shorts are so the new critter pants. And while UTB is a little behind on their trademark law readings, we just don’t see the inherent blasphemy in the lawsuit that Daily Intel is arguing to be obvious. We’ll sue what we want!